8  Bagging (addendum)

This notebook provides examples to:

  1. Compare tuning bagging hyperparameters with OOB validation and \(k\)-fold cross-validation.

  2. Compare bagging tuned models with untuned models.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score,train_test_split, KFold, GridSearchCV, ParameterGrid, \
RandomizedSearchCV, RepeatedKFold
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor,DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingRegressor,BaggingClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, precision_recall_curve, auc, make_scorer, recall_score, \
accuracy_score, precision_score, confusion_matrix, mean_squared_error, r2_score, mean_squared_error
from skopt import BayesSearchCV
from skopt.space import Real, Integer, Categorical
from skopt.plots import plot_convergence, plot_histogram, plot_objective
from IPython import display
import itertools as it

#Libraries for visualizing trees
from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz, export_text
from six import StringIO
from IPython.display import Image  
import pydotplus
import time as time
import warnings
#Using the same datasets as in linear regression in STAT303-2, 
#so that we can compare the non-linear models with linear regression
trainf = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/Car_features_train.csv')
trainp = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/Car_prices_train.csv')
testf = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/Car_features_test.csv')
testp = pd.read_csv('./Datasets/Car_prices_test.csv')
train = pd.merge(trainf,trainp)
test = pd.merge(testf,testp)
carID brand model year transmission mileage fuelType tax mpg engineSize price
0 18473 bmw 6 Series 2020 Semi-Auto 11 Diesel 145 53.3282 3.0 37980
1 15064 bmw 6 Series 2019 Semi-Auto 10813 Diesel 145 53.0430 3.0 33980
2 18268 bmw 6 Series 2020 Semi-Auto 6 Diesel 145 53.4379 3.0 36850
3 18480 bmw 6 Series 2017 Semi-Auto 18895 Diesel 145 51.5140 3.0 25998
4 18492 bmw 6 Series 2015 Automatic 62953 Diesel 160 51.4903 3.0 18990
X = train[['mileage','mpg','year','engineSize']]
Xtest = test[['mileage','mpg','year','engineSize']]
y = train['price']
ytest = test['price']
  1. Tree without tuning
  2. Tree performance improves with tuning
  3. Bagging tuned tree
  4. Bagging untuned tree - better, how?
  5. Tuning bagged model - OOB
  6. Tuning bagged model - BayesSearchCV
  7. warm start
  8. Bagging KNN - no need to tune number of neighbors

8.1 Tree without tuning

model = DecisionTreeRegressor()
cv = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=1)
-np.mean(cross_val_score(model, X, y, scoring='neg_root_mean_squared_error', cv = cv))
param_grid = {'max_depth': Integer(2, 30)}
gcv = BayesSearchCV(model, search_spaces = param_grid, cv = cv, n_iter = 40, random_state = 10,
                         scoring = 'neg_root_mean_squared_error', n_jobs = -1)
paras = list(gcv.search_spaces.keys())

def monitor(optim_result):
    cv_values = pd.Series(optim_result['func_vals']).cummin()
    display.clear_output(wait = True)
    min_ind = pd.Series(optim_result['func_vals']).argmin()
    print(paras, "=", optim_result['x_iters'][min_ind], pd.Series(optim_result['func_vals']).min())
gcv.fit(X, y, callback = monitor)    
['max_depth'] = [10] 6341.1481858990355

BayesSearchCV(cv=KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=1, shuffle=True),
              estimator=DecisionTreeRegressor(), n_iter=40, n_jobs=-1,
              random_state=10, scoring='neg_root_mean_squared_error',
              search_spaces={'max_depth': Integer(low=2, high=30, prior='uniform', transform='normalize')})
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8.2 Performance of tree improves with tuning

model = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=10)
cv = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=1)
-np.mean(cross_val_score(model, X, y, scoring='neg_root_mean_squared_error', cv = cv))

8.3 Bagging tuned trees

model = BaggingRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth = 10), oob_score=True, n_estimators = 100).fit(X, y)
mean_squared_error(model.oob_prediction_, y, squared = False)

8.4 Bagging untuned trees

model = BaggingRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(), oob_score=True, n_estimators = 100).fit(X, y)
mean_squared_error(model.oob_prediction_, y, squared = False)

Why is bagging tuned trees worse than bagging untuned trees?

In the tuned tree here, the reduction in variance by controlling maximum depth resulted in an increas in bias of indivudual trees. Bagging trees only reduces the variance, but not the bias of the indivudal trees. Thus, bagging high bias models will result in a high-bias model, while bagging high variance models may result in a low variance model if the models are not highly correlated.

Bagging tuned models may provide a better performance as compared to bagging untuned models if the reduction in variance of the individual models is high enough to overshadow the increase in bias, and increase in pairwise correlation of the individual models.

8.5 Tuning bagged model - OOB

param_grid1 = {'max_samples': [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0],
             'max_features': [2, 3, 4],
             'bootstrap_features': [True, False]}
param_grid2 = {'max_samples': [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0],
             'max_features': [1],
              'bootstrap_features': [False]}
param_list1 = list(it.product(*[values for key, values in param_grid1.items()]))
param_list2 = list(it.product(*[values for key, values in param_grid2.items()]))
param_list = param_list1 + param_list2
oob_score_pr = []
for pr in param_list:
    model = BaggingRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(), max_samples=pr[0], max_features=pr[1],
                            bootstrap_features=pr[2], n_jobs = -1, oob_score=True, n_estimators = 50).fit(X, y)
    oob_score_pr.append(mean_squared_error(model.oob_prediction_, y, squared=False))

What is the benefit of OOB validation to tune hyperparameters in bagging?

It is much cheaper than \(k\)-fold cross-validation, as only \(1/k\) of the models are trained with OOB validation as compared to \(k\)-fold cross-validation. However, the cost of training individual models is lower in \(k\)-fold cross-validation as models are trained on a smaller dataset. Typically, OOB will be faster than \(k\)-fold cross-validation. The higher the value of \(k\), the more faster OOB validation will be as compared to \(k\)-fold cross-validation.

8.6 Tuning without k-fold cross-validation

When hyperparameters can be tuned with OOB validation, what is the benefit of using k-fold cross-validation?

  1. Hyperparameters cannot be tuned over continuous spaces with OOB validation.

  2. OOB score is not computed if samping is done without replacement (bootstrap = False). Thus, for tuning the bootstrap hyperparameter, \(k\)-fold cross-validation will need to be used.

def monitor(optim_result):
    cv_values = pd.Series(optim_result['func_vals']).cummin()
    display.clear_output(wait = True)
    min_ind = pd.Series(optim_result['func_vals']).argmin()
    print(paras, "=", optim_result['x_iters'][min_ind], pd.Series(optim_result['func_vals']).min())
param_grid = {'max_samples': Real(0.2, 1.0),
             'max_features': Integer(1, 4),
             'bootstrap_features': [True, False],
              'bootstrap': [True, False]}
gcv = BayesSearchCV(BaggingRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(), bootstrap=False), 
                    search_spaces = param_grid, cv = cv, n_jobs = -1,

paras = list(gcv.search_spaces.keys())

gcv.fit(X, y, callback=monitor)
['bootstrap', 'bootstrap_features', 'max_features', 'max_samples'] = [True, False, 4, 0.8061354588503475] 5561.064432968422

BayesSearchCV(cv=KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=1, shuffle=True),
              n_jobs=-1, scoring='neg_root_mean_squared_error',
              search_spaces={'bootstrap': [True, False],
                             'bootstrap_features': [True, False],
                             'max_features': Integer(low=1, high=4, prior='uniform', transform='normalize'),
                             'max_samples': Real(low=0.2, high=1.0, prior='uniform', transform='normalize')})
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8.7 warm start

What is the purpose of warm_start?

The purpose of warm_start is to avoid developing trees from scratch, and incrementally add trees to monitor the validation error. However, note that OOB score is not computed with warm_start. Thus, a validation set approach will need to be adopted to tune number of trees.

A cheaper approach to tune number of estimators is to just use trial and error, and stop increasing once the cross-validation error / OOB error / validation set error stabilizes.

model = BaggingRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(), oob_score=False, n_estimators = 5,
                        warm_start=True).fit(X, y)
rmse = []
for i in range(10, 200, 10):
    model.n_estimators = i
    model.fit(X, y)
    rmse.append(mean_squared_error(model.predict(Xtest), ytest, squared=False))
    sns.lineplot(x = range(10, i+1, 10), y = rmse)

8.8 Bagging KNN

Should we bag a tuned KNN model or an untuned one?

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
model = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=9) # optimal neigbors
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_scaled = scaler.transform(X)
-np.mean(cross_val_score((model), X_scaled, y, cv = cv, 
                         scoring='neg_root_mean_squared_error', n_jobs = -1))
model = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=1)
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_scaled = scaler.transform(X)
-np.mean(cross_val_score(BaggingRegressor(model), X_scaled, y, cv = cv, 
                         scoring='neg_root_mean_squared_error', n_jobs = -1))
model = BaggingRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(), n_estimators=5, warm_start=True)
model.fit(X, y)
rmse = []
for i in range(10, 200,10):
    model.n_estimators = i
    model.fit(X, y)
    rmse.append(mean_squared_error(model.predict(Xtest), ytest, squared=False))
    sns.lineplot(x = range(10, i + 1, 10), y = rmse)